Welcome to Sustainable Caregiving

You are enough, image of Theresa Wilbanks and Sustainable Caregiving logo

I cared for my father until his passing at 99 years of age. During that time, I experienced the raging river of emotions that comes with caring for a family member. Overwhelmed and drowning, I navigated toward a more sustainable caregiving experience. I founded Sustainable Caregiving and work with fellow family caregivers to help them prepare for and navigate their caregiving journey.

Through trial, error and tears, I developed the 12 Sustainable Caregiving Strategies and share them in my book, Navigating the Caregiver River: A Journey to Sustainable Caregiving and in the Self-Caregiving Strategies Podcast, co-hosted with Alison Van Schie. As a caregiving speaker, I empower caregivers with the strategies in Sustainable Caregiving Presentations & Workshops.

Quote by Emma Smith - "Life is like the river, sometimes it sweeps you gently along and sometimes the rapids come out of nowhere."

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Navigating the Caregiver River

A caregiving guidebook to help you navigate your caregiving journey with skill and confidence, Navigating the Caregiver River: A Journey to Sustainable Caregiving empowers the family caregiver with tools and strategies to create a sustainable caregiving experience for the duration of the journey. 

Presentations & Workshops

Theresa Wilbanks is a caregiving speaker who focuses on strategies that empower the caregiver to navigate their caregiving journey with confidence. The strategies that Theresa shares help reduce caregiver stress and provide caregivers skills that they can begin using immediately. 

Theresa connects with the audience through humor and vulnerability. She shares insights into her caregiving story, including the challenges, frustrations and fear that can cause us to lose hope and confidence. Her message is uplifting and the audience leaves the presentation feeling empowered to confidently navigate their caregiving journey. Read what clients and caregiver attendees say about Theresa and Sustainable Caregiving presentations.

Learn more and schedule Theresa to speak at your event and empower the caregivers in your workplace or community!

Sustainable Caregiving Coaching

Transform Your Caregiving Experience with the Sustainable Caregiving Strategies and Go From Drowning to Navigating with Caregiver Coaching! In our caregiver coaching sessions, we will uncover the worries, challenges, and opportunities from your caregiving experience. We will explore each of the 12 Sustainable Caregiving Strategies and determine how they can empower you. Over 12 sessions, you will construct a caregiver support system that will sustain you for the duration of the caregiving journey.

Self-Caregiving Strategies Podcast

Join Theresa Wilbanks and Alison Van Schie as they explore the 12 Sustainable Caregiving Strategies in the limited series Self-Caregiving Strategies Podcast. These strategies were developed by Theresa Wilbanks and originated from her caregiving experience as she looked after her dad for the last seven years of his life.

Self-Caregiving Strategies Podcast cover

When the challenges of caregiving began to impact her physical and emotional well-being, she knew that the path she was on was not sustainable, and she needed a new approach to caregiving before becoming completely overwhelmed and burnt out. By asking herself: “What Am I Feeling?” “Why Am I Feeling this way?” and “How can I feel better?” she developed these strategies.


Have the Conversations
6 Sustainable Caregiving Strategies
6 Types of Caregiver Self-Care

12 Sustainable Caregiving Strategies

Set Boundaries
Let it Go
Let it Out Release the emotions
Accept the Role
Accept Help
Embrace the Routine
Overcome Obstacles
Plan for the worries

Caregiver Phases

Caregiver spectrum
Immersed in the experience
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